Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why is 'Hotwifing' so amazing?

We're just getting back into the swing of things after a busy holiday season, so in anticipation of what we're hoping to be a fun start to the new year, I wanted to quickly write about what makes Hotwifing so amazingly hot.

Well, unfortunately, some don't find it hot, but we don't care much for those know, the sheep who drone on day to day without stepping outside the box, and who never question popular convention.  Then, there are those who have heard of it, are intrigued, may have even Googled the lifestiyle, but unfortunately have too little game to approach their wives and make it happen, or worse yet, have a wife who for some reason, has become asexual and would never even entertain the thought. Or of course, from the wife's perspective, she may have a husband who is either far too uptight, possibly has self esteem issues or who is simply one of the aforementioned sheep.

Then, there are the lucky ones - those that have chosen the Red pill - who are able to taste, touch, feel and see all that comes along with the Hotwife lifestyle.  These lucky bastards consist of the wives that either simply love to fuck, or love their husband dearly and treasure pleasing them them regardless of how crazy their ideas are, and the husbands who love their wives dearly, and want nothing but to see them happy. Those who play the game, are well aware of the many subcultures that exist in this lifestyle, hotwifing, cuckholding, etc, but the primary question remains; why is it so damn insanely hot to share your wife with others?

This question could elicit a a myriad of responses, and each person in this lifestyle may answer differently but I would assert that there are common threads regardless of who answers this question.  There is of course the fact that it's 'against the rules' and goes completely against what is acceptable on the surface of today's society. Rules are made to be broken, and a lot of the time, it's fun to do so.  However, husbands don't want their wives to fuck other men simply because it's against the rules; it goes deeper than that. Psychological theories exist that attempt to explain this phenomena which are interesting and helpful, but this isn't a logos-based piece so let's not discuss that here.

When thinking in terms of everyday, recognizable feelings and emotions, for the most part, I believe it really boils down to love with a dash of perversion.  Fate has guided two like and open-minded people together that now share a life, and who truly love each other enough to honestly communicate with one another. It's love that drive us to want the best for our partners, regardless of what that entails.  I want my wife to experience traveling across Europe and seeing the world, eating the finest foods and tasting the finest wines.  In that same regard, I want my wife to physically experience the best as well; I'm pretty hung, fit and good looking, and I believe that I'm pretty damn good in bed, but I'd be crazy to think that I was the best.  I want my wife to have lovers that touch, kiss and fuck her in ways that I never have; the bonus for Kimber here is that I'm extremely competitive, so if a guy does do something amazing like that, it motivates me to work that much harder the next time.

Of course, while love does make the world go around, regardless of how much we love our wives, in order for Hotwifing to work, perversion also has to play a hand as well.  Is it because I love my wife that I encourage her to go without panties under a skirt while at work? Do I have to fight off an erection when I see people checking out her hard nipples at the gym when they're poking through a thin workout top because I love her dearly?  Is it love that makes my cock absolutely rock hard when she's seductively telling me every sordid detail about what she did with her boyfriend in a hotel room earlier that afternoon?  Hell's our innate, hormone driven, perverse nature that gets our heart pumping when hearing details about how our spouse was just fucking and sucking someone just hours earlier.  I don't know literally why it gets our heart racing, and honestly, I don't care; I'll leave the science to the scientists. 

So, there you have it... a completely unscientific explanation of wife sharing, written from the hip, please feel free to distribute as necessary. ;)

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